To learn more about any topic discussed in this newsletter or to arrange a free card services needs assessment, Please con- tact Empire Pays:
Phone: (888) 813-6655
Email: support@empirepays.com
Website: www.empirepays.com

Supporting Partner Program
Who are we?: Vets returning home is a 501(c)3 based in Roseville, Michigan dedi- cated to assisting military veterans in crisis.
Our Mission:
Our 11,000 sq ft facility hosts 43 veter- ans on site in a temporary, sober and drug free liv- ing environ- ment. Our ini- tial approach is to stabilize
our veterans by providing supportive ser- vices. We have a TOTAL approach to help our veterans by addressing ALL of the is- sues that brought them to crisis.
We are the only facility of it’s kind in all of Oakland and Macomb counties, and are realizing a demand much larger than antici- pated. We have housed over 1500 veterans on premise and the need continues to grow. Along with providing emergency shelter, our program has expanded to include a food pantry, career closet, furniture bank, and a vehicle donation program.
We are proud to say that we receive NO GOVERNMENT FUNDING. HOWEV- ER, this vital program is in jeopardy due to the devastating effects of Covid-19 and des- perately needs YOUR help! Many of our funding sources, including BOTH of our fundraisers, have been shut down. We had to think outside of the box and have created this fantastic program which is a WIN/WIN for our supporters and local heroes.
In order to sustain, it takes a village, and we need YOUR help. Contact a Supportive Services volunteer today.
Phone: (586) 285-5606
Fax: (586) 498-8509
Email: info@vetsreturninghome.org

Covid-19: Small Businesses Hit Hardest (Continued from page 1)
as the challenges this presented by this “New Normal.”
“The biggest hits were taken by places like reception halls, gyms, res- taurants,independentretailstoresand movie theaters.” Small businesses have taken the brunt of the impact across the board. Big box stores and chains have been able to adapt and remain open, while many small busi- nesses are struggling to absorb the rising cost of compliance.
“We all want and need the small business to succeed. It creates jobs, builds our economy, drives innova- tion, and creates competition.” All of which are essential fundamentals of a thriving community and economy, according to Sandy.
“Small business owners had to think outside of the box to make it this far,” she continued, “As consum- ers, we have to think outside of the box as well to help rally around our small businesses. One such way is by recognizing the costs that these businesses are paying.”
Jason White, a supportive ser- vices volunteer at Vets Returning home points out, “Consumers recog- nize the convenience of not carrying cash, but they don’t usually think about the cost of our convenience in credit card processing.”
Jason helps out in many aspects including handling donations. He points out that each time we use our credit or debit card, “we are asking the business owner to pay a conven- ience fee for us
While each transaction is charged a small percentage, those charges add up to costs in the thousands for busi- nesses. With more and more transac- tions shifting away from cash pay- ments, the end result is less money for the small business owner for the same amount of products and ser- vices. “Most people don’t realize that even non-profits pay these costs.”
Lenny Marmino of Empire Pays says, “It seems backward to think that someone else should pay for our con- venience, but they have been for years.” Marmino added, “Gas sta- tions started years ago charging one price for credit, and one for cash. It helpedthemdifferthecostofthat convenience, and many business owners today are following suit.”
While many convenience stores started putting up signs limiting cred- it and debit transactions to a certain dollar amount, those practices are actually against the terms of service of companies like Visa and Master- Card. “Thosesignscanactuallyget you put on the terminated merchant list, meaning you can’t accept credit or debit cards.” Marmino warned, “that could be catastrophic to a small business owner.”
“The merchant CAN, however give a discounted price for cash pay- ments similar to what gas station ex- ample.” Lenny further advises, “by shifting the convenience cost to the consumer, the business owner can increase their bottom line tremen- dously.”
While some merchants are hesi- tant to institute this type of system for fear of angering their customer, most who have made the switch have seen little to no pushback from the com- munity. “People want to see their small businesses succeed,” said Bow- er, “They see the benefit to the com- munity that these businesses bring, and they want to help keep them go- ing.”
“While the customer sees a small charge for not paying with cash, the business owner sees a huge spike in their bottom line.” White said of the cash discount program and the change in mind frame. “We have seen very little resistance from cus- tomers over this change. The good news is, the community is behind small businesses, and are looking for ways to show that support.”
When the cost of doing business goes up, the choice is to either lower
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those costs, or raise your prices. Said Bower, “This new program allows businesses a third option, while al- lowing consumers a choice. In the end, it is a big win-win for every- one.”
New Pay-at-the-Table Technology Pays Off Fast for Restaurants
(Continued from page 2)
when making payments.
While it is easy to see that pay-at-the-table can increase table turns at peak periods and can satisfy custom- ers with shorter wait times for tables and payments come up there is a big benefit for restauranteurs that's not so obvious.
The new state-of-the-art terminals not only accept credit cards but can also process PIN-based at debit trans- actions
"Most restaurant owners are not familiar with the advantages of pin based debit," explains Wren. "This type of transaction, where a debit card is swiped and a customer enters a first identification number or PIN into a processing terminal, was clearly not practical and most restaurant settings until now."
Pin based transactions (as op- posed to having customers sign a credit or debit card receipt) can pro- duce dramatic processing savings.
The deployment of pay at the table technology is much like the wireless ordering systems currently used in many restaurant environments. Multi- ple terminals are linked to a computer or Point-of-Sale system using a Wi-Fi network.
When a restaurant needs greater range for delivery service, terminals can be operated over GPRS cellular networks.
There are several wireless pay at the table systems and business owners should consult a merchant service ex- pert to evaluate their needs and seek qualified recommendations.
The table is a great new recipe for increasing the productivity and profits of restaurants everywhere!